The second book in Philippa's stunning new trilogy, The Cousins War, brings to life the story of Margaret Beaufort, a shadowy and mysterious character in the first book of the series - The White Queen - but who now takes centre stage in the bitter struggle of The War of the Roses.
The Red Queen tells the story of the child-bride of Edmund Tudor, who, although widowed in her early teens, uses her determination of character and wily plotting to infiltrate the house of York under the guise of loyal friend and servant, undermine the support for Richard III and ultimately ensure that her only son, Henry Tudor, triumphs as King of England.
Through collaboration with the dowager Queen Elizabeth Woodville, Margaret agrees a betrothal between Henry and Elizabeth's daughter, thereby uniting the families and resolving the Cousins War once and for all by founding of the Tudor dynasty.
The Red Queen tells the story of the child-bride of Edmund Tudor, who, although widowed in her early teens, uses her determination of character and wily plotting to infiltrate the house of York under the guise of loyal friend and servant, undermine the support for Richard III and ultimately ensure that her only son, Henry Tudor, triumphs as King of England.
Through collaboration with the dowager Queen Elizabeth Woodville, Margaret agrees a betrothal between Henry and Elizabeth's daughter, thereby uniting the families and resolving the Cousins War once and for all by founding of the Tudor dynasty.
Why Read: I was blown away of how amazing the first book was (The White Queen), that I ended up being interested to be on the shoes of the red queen. Its good to know the opposing side's plans, treachery and information's that was hidden from the first book.
What I Liked: I love how the author writes her novel. There is something magical on how she writes that really sucked me into the story even though this was the antagonist's side. I think this should be considered as a compliment when I say that I hated Margaret Beaufort which everyone I knew that read this felt the same way and its a good thing. Philippa did a great job showing the character's history, personality and character development as well. Usually reading these types of characters makes me want to burn the book but luckily this is didn't. The transitioning of the story was okay and I admit there was a part where I felt bad for Margaret's character because the struggles that she has to go through to get her self in a certain position she needs to. I also have some laughable moments with her character because of her self absorbed and self vindictive personality which I understand is pretty normal for villains but reading her is FUN!
What Disappointed Me: I have to say, though this was the antagonist's side this somehow didn't affect the way I felt for the story in general. I didn't see that much flaws but if there was I might see it just minor set back.

I like how it somehow matched or stayed in the same theme with the first book.
If your a fan of historical fiction especially British history this will definitely spark an interest in you, Well in my case it did. aha
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