Yes FINALLY, I chose the Kindle 3 than the Kindle 4. After so many reviews read. I have been really thinking hard and finally Kindle 3 was my victor.
This came in 3 weeks ago like first week of January but I ordered this last December. It got delayed cause of the holidays. I got this from my Ebay seller, who I love! she even gave me a freebie which is a screen protector, yay! I'll post her link down after my mini review.
This came in 3 weeks ago like first week of January but I ordered this last December. It got delayed cause of the holidays. I got this from my Ebay seller, who I love! she even gave me a freebie which is a screen protector, yay! I'll post her link down after my mini review.

So here it is opened, I was super surprised that I didn't expect it would be a bit smaller than I thought it would be and its very light! On the screen, you'll see a instruction on how to open your Kindle.
Here is a general manual because the main manual guide is inside the Kindle. This manual have only contains how to get started, shows you the parts of the Kindle, How to register to amazon, how to buy a book and the warranty etc..Very basic stuff.

And ofcourse the USB cable. Another thing that surprised me is that I know that this days don't include the adapter for this but in my package I have, which I didn't expect but they gave me still so THANK YOU for the adapter! I so need it!

I plugged in my Kindle in laptop and waiting for it to refresh which will only take you minutes.

Showing some features. You can browse the web. Facebook, Twiiter, Yahoo etc..
Play music if you want while reading and Text-to-Speech, meaning it can read for you! One of my fave features that really impressed me.

These are my Books and some are sample books that you can at the side, it says sample. Sample books you can get them easily at the Kindle Store which I will show you later.
You may see at the upper most left portion of my Kindle the "Pakingking's KINDLE Love!" I named my Kindle that which all of you can if you want too. Another fave feature again.:)
~This carries up to 3,500 books--keep your library with you wherever you go.
~A single charge lasts up to two months with wireless off based upon a half-hour of daily reading time.

These are two of my books in my library. I just wanna show you that this is not a colored device. Which is a bummer but since it's main purpose is for reading, I just let it go.

This is the reason why I got this,
~Kindle's high-contrast E Ink display delivers clear, crisp text and images that you can read without eye strain. For extended periods of reading, E Ink displays deliver the best reading experience.
~Kindle's E Ink screen reads like real paper, with no glare. Read as easily in bright sunlight as in your living room.

You can adjust the way you wanna read your book. Just click the "Aa" button in the keyboard and optimize your own reading convenience.

A lot of my friends and family members keeps on touching the screen. This is not a touch screen device.
Both sides of this has a page turning button. Has a quiet page turning, means you won't disturb your partner when you want to read all night.

The keypads are ok for me, They aren't that complicated to use one you read the manual and functions of the buttons and a lot of people are complaining about the size of the button, that they were too small but for me its ok cause I don't use much the keypads and they are not that small. There just fine for my petite fingers:)

At only 8.5 ounces and 1/3 of an inch thin, Kindle Keyboard is lighter than a paperback and thinner than a magazine.

Here's the back part where you can find great quality speakers for listening to music or for your audio books.

The parts at the bottom of the Kindle.

I'll show you how to get some book's from the Kindle store.
Click the Menu button on the keypad and this will show automatically.
You can either press turn on wireless or direct shop in the Kindle Store either way it will automatically set your wireless on.

This is the Home page of the Kindle store.
Over one million books, including New York Times Best Sellers, plus audiobooks, periodicals and blogs. For non-U.S. customers, content availability varies.

You can browse around, see what's hot.

Or you can search up anybook you want just type the Title or the author on the search button below and it will give you what you want.
So for me I chose Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho which a friend of mine recommended me this book so I'll try first the sample.

Just click the "Try a Sample" button. This will only give you the first few chapters of the book .

This will show up after that just wait and it'll automatically show in your library.

This will only take you seconds t load into your library! Very Impressive!!
With fast, free wireless delivery, you can start reading books in less than 60 seconds. No computer required.


Its Wifi connectivity does drain your battery so if your not using the web I do suggest turning off your wireless so save up the battery. Connectivity of this reasonably fast enough for me but I don't usually use this for web browsing though.

Another thing that amuses me when I have this is the ads.
When you turn this off it will show you different ads everyday with or without connection and I enjoy that especially their ads are great images to look at sometimes. It really amazes me!

I still LOVE reading my usual books. But if you really think of its practicality I would chose my Kindle.
I buy my books from my ebook seller that's only P5.00 per book. I'll link her below.
Again I love book's, still going to buy FEW cause I have bulks of books here in my room dunno where to place them so great thing I got my Kindle right!?

And ofcourse, I bought my baby a casing that was SUPER expensive:(
I just bought this to from E-bay too same seller but bought this separately.

It's a genuine leather and PURPLE!
I love the deep purple shade that this have. Luckily I still got it cause it was the last one.

Super HAPPY! This is my Christmas and New year's gift to myself.
I have been longing to have Kindle for a long time now and I GOT IT!:)

Kindle 3 Seller- Kindle 3 w/ Ads and Wifi (P 5,995)
Kindle 3 Purple Leather Covering-P 1,295
E-Book Seller- P5.00
Thank you for Reading!
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