For those who aren't that familiar to Kindle's, They are manufactured by Basically they are a
E- Reader's or E-Book Readers. The main function of these are for book nerds out there who travels a lot and people who are tired of bulky books and are out of book shelves spaces like me.
E- Reader's or E-Book Readers. The main function of these are for book nerds out there who travels a lot and people who are tired of bulky books and are out of book shelves spaces like me.
For almost 2 months now I'am saving and deciding which Amazon kindle will I get.
I narrowed it down to:
I narrowed it down to:

I'll be showing you what I love and hate about each of these that until now I can't decide what to get. I'll make it short and direct as possible. Prices wont affect my decision cause it's only P1000 difference from the other so might as well get the best, right?

~ Keyboard. Its easy for browsing and note writing whenever I find interesting phrases or statements. Easy to write and saves a lot of time to type.
~ Speakers. You can listen to music while reading and if you got tired of reading you can use audio read or audio books through it.
~ Size. It's a bit bigger and heavy than kindle 4.
~ It has landscape mode. You can read horizontally and vertically with this.
~ Smaller and Thinner than Kindle 3. Good grip while reading.
~ No audio! you wont be able to use for audio books nor listen to music while reading.
~ Not typing friendly. SERIOUSLY! its not touch screen. So every navigation you will do it manually through buttons.
These are only FEW facts that I keep on mind and take in consideration in deciding what should benefit me more between this two Kindle generations. So far I'am leaning to kindle 3. I hear great raves about it but still looking for what will suit me more.
I'll let you know soon which I had chosen as a victor for now still uncertain.
Hmmm..Got to cut this short and thanks for visiting BYE!
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